Wednesday, January 17, 2018

逆徒 Errant Disciple

逆徒是一个汉语词语,读音是nì tú,是指叛逆的人。
叛逆的人。《宋书·孝义传·卜天与》:“逆徒击之,臂断倒地,乃见杀。” 金 董解元 《西厢记诸宫调》卷二:“众止一二作乱,馀必胁从,贪目前之利,忘反掌之灾,我若敷陈利害,必使逆徒不能奋武作威,自令奔溃。”

  • 對『逆徒』如何是好? What to do with [Disloyal Student]?
  • 問:『由長老們決定懲罰?』
    Ask: Let the elders decide punishment?

    Reply: Nothing to do with me.

    Ask: Great master! Not upset, not keyed up?

    答 Reply:『因果自負。』One bears own karmic responsibilities.

I heard the compere for the recent homa event in Caotun utter these words [逆徒]!
It somehow jarred in my mind for days! 
Realised why now!

This reverend has yet to be Enlightened and her use of these words just sound very judgmental and contain the Poisons of Aversions, Ignorance and to some extend Greed of recognition!

Aversions - you think they are dirt now, when they were previously people you looked up to and obeyed!

Ignorance - you have no true Boddhicitta and didn't realise the fact that these people also have Buddha nature similar to yours!

Why recognition?
In this Saha world, many reverends do not Truly & Fully embrace their initial vows to benefit all beings.
So a WISH to Outshine or Stand-out amongst the assembly is commonplace!

Sadly, this is the same kind of Rivalry Mindset that the recent falling of XX and the future take-over personnels cultivated.

If you understand what GM Lu said about True Kaya 真身, you also won't go chase those that GM Lu said are coloured lotuses!
In True Form, the colour also don't matter as One can transform at will!

I remember a fellow student that keeps a sort of chart for the Big Lotuses pointed out by GM Lu. Yes! 18 pairs was what he is after!

6th Zen patriarch, hui-neng's Mid-path is anathema to Differentiation!

But coincidentally, XX & LN are Big Purple Lotuses! 
While LD is Big white lotus!

There is someone that GM Lu said is a certain colored lotus, but I saw Ksitigarbha in him! Hehe! 
Affinity with Yidam is yet another deciding factor! 

Am I criticising someone now?

The decision is yours and your alone!

With Metta

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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